

2023-09-22 10:08:51 最新内容 1450浏览



1. Tall:身材高大

- He is tall and has a commanding presence.

- She stands tall among her peers.

2. Broad-shouldered:肩膀宽阔

- He has a broad-shouldered build, making him appear formidable.

- The broad-shouldered man effortlessly carries heavy loads.

3. Burly:魁梧

- He has a burly physique, with large muscles and a substantial frame.

- The burly bouncer at the club ensures security.

4. Sturdy:强壮

- She has a sturdy build, with well-developed muscles.

- The sturdy construction worker can handle any physical demands.

5. Robust:精壮

- He possesses a robust physique that reflects his dedication to fitness.

- The robust athlete is known for his incredible strength and endurance.

6. Herculean:力大无穷

- He has a Herculean build, with muscles that seem to be chiseled from marble.

- The Herculean weightlifter can lift astonishing amounts of weight.

7. Massive:庞大

- His massive frame dominates any room he walks into.

- The massive wrestler is a force to be reckoned with.

8. Hulking:庞然大物

- The hulking figure loomed over everyone else in the crowd.

- The hulking football player intimidated his opponents with his size.

9. Gigantic:巨大

- He is a man of gigantic proportions, towering over others.

- The gigantic bodybuilder commands attention with his massive muscles.

10. Colossal:巨大无比

- His colossal physique is awe-inspiring.

- The colossal wrestler strikes fear into the hearts of his opponents.

11. Goliath-like:如同歌利亚般

- He has a Goliath-like presence, dominating any space he occupies.

- The Goliath-like warrior is a force to be reckoned with in battle.

12. Titaness:巨人般的女性

- She possesses a titaness body, exuding strength and power.

- The titaness athlete excels in a variety of sports.


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